Pam Brady
Clinical Psychologist and Certified Schema Therapist
About Pam Brady
Pam Brady is a Clinical Psychologist and ISST Certified Schema Therapist. A highly experienced, warm, and empathic practitioner, Pam has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and full membership of the Australian Psychological Association. She has also completed extensive additional training in Schema Therapy and has completed the rigorous requirements for certification as a Schema Therapist by the International Society of Schema Therapists (ISST).
Areas of Specialisation
Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Autism Spectrum, PTSD, Stress and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Pam has helped numerous clients who have been struggling with depression, generalised anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, health anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, PTSD, and other stress disorders. She also has extensive experience in working with ADHD and those on the Autism Spectrum. Pam received best practice training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at Macquarie University and now integrates this with a Schema Therapy approach. Therapy is aimed at helping clients to both understand why these issues have developed and then learning skills and strategies to help them change the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are negatively impacting their life.
Family/Partner Relationship Issues and Recurring Unhealthy Relationship Patterns
Pam has extensive experience working with people relationship difficulties in a broad range of situations. She has worked as a group therapist for Relationships Australia and is a published author in the highly respected international Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Using a Schema Therapy approach, sessions initially focus on developing insight into personality differences and emotional sensitivities that may be causing and maintaining the problem before helping clients develop strategies to work through these difficulties.
Emotional Regulation, Developmental/Childhood Trauma, Borderline Personality and Other Personality Disorders
Pam takes a Schema Therapy approach to helping clients who are experiencing persistent and recurring emotional and behavioural difficulties . She also integrates elements of Dialectal Behaviour Therapy (DBT). Both Schema Therapy and DBT are evidence-based treatments for trauma and borderline personality disorder.
Parenting and Emotion Coaching
Pam has specialist expertise in working with parents of children who are struggling with issues such as anxiety, emotional regulation, and behavioural difficulties. As a Schema Therapist, Pam has an in-depth understanding of the core emotional needs of childhood. She takes an ‘emotion coaching’ approach to helping parents understand the need behind their children’s problematic emotions and behaviour and in supporting them to coach their child through their difficulties. Pam initially trained in child psychology at Macquarie University (developer of the world-renowned Cool Kids program). She has also run parenting programs for Relationships Australia including Circle of Security and Parenting after Separation and is the parent of two adult children.
Work Related Stress
Prior to becoming a Clinical Psychologist, Pam worked in organisational psychology and human resources so is uniquely placed to help clients with workplace related issues.
Weight Issues, Body Image and Problematic Eating
Pam utilises Schema Therapy and a non-diet approach to help clients who are struggling with weight concerns, yo-yo dieting or problematic eating. Evidence shows that attempts to lose weight are largely ineffective and that individuals need to be supported to work towards health rather than weight goals. The non-diet approach advocates helping people be the most healthy, comfortable weight they can be and is effective in helping clients overcome problematic or binge eating and body image issues.
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